With a greater population and more money changing hands than ever before,Three Great Advantages of the Lottery from History Articles it is only natural that the chance for greater revenue creates even greater possibilities. And while you hear so much talk about the lottery today, its roots go back much further than most people give it credit for.

Without doubt, the lottery is nothing new. Even as the Bible was being written, governments were making use of the many values that it could bring to their communities and their cultures. It is a powerful influence that something so long ago created can still have powerful effects to the lifeblood of the nations where it can be found, but this is true of the lottery, and here are five areas it has helped to develop in the history of lottery:

1. Construction: Two of the earliest uses of the lottery in construction projects can be attributed to two of the world’s most successful cultures, Rome and China. In Rome, Caesar championed the lottery games among the people because they provided such a fast and easy way to afford the cost of repairs to the city. Perhaps a greater use occurred in China, though it is not known for sure but has long been rumored, that the Great Wall of China, an astounding manmade curiosity that can actually be seen from space, was funded at least in part from the efforts of a lottery. Whenever a government needs something built or repaired, the lottery has been a mainstay of support and will continue to be so in the future.

2. Military: Military advancements have brought with them a hefty price tag, and not all of those advancements should be feared. The French understood this in 1420 as they adopted a lottery to afford greater defenses for their community. Over three hundred years later, Benjamin Franklin followed their lead by purchasing a cannon used in the War of Independence. The lottery also paid for army wages. In the future, the lottery can be used to advance exoskeleton technology and other tools that can keep soldiers safe when answering their call to country.

3. Charity and education: In 1466, the city of Bruges held a lottery to raise money for the downtrodden of their community. It was not the first time nor would it be the last that cultures realized the importance of such a fundraising event – something that could quickly raise the revenue needed to aid many in need. Today, the lottery is used more as it was when the Ivy League schools were created through its use: education. In the United States, many states that once were opposed to the lottery on moral grounds are now using it to boost their education. Carrying on in the great charitable tradition, the lottery today can provide scholarships and opportunities to many students who could not otherwise afford their continuing education.

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